
🍽 The 'Use food' awareness campaign prevents the waste of 12.5 tons of food products

🍽 The 'Use food' awareness campaign prevents the waste of 12.5 tons of food products

The awareness and awareness campaign 'Use food', which has promoted the Department of Climate Action, Food and Rural Agenda, has made it possible to recover a total of 12 ,5 tons of food through the various activities organized to avoid waste and has gathered 1,500 people. Some foods that, according to the FAO Food Value Calculator (Organization of United Nations for Agriculture and Food), represent a saving of 5.9 million liters of water and 13 tons of CO₂.

The Gastrorecup meals have kicked off with the participation of 17 restaurants from all over Catalonia, which have offered menus made with discarded food from the commercial circuit strong>. A total of 3,400 kg of food was recovered and a total of 910 meals were served to the various attendees.

The Great Popular Food Benefit Lunch brought together 350 people in Tarragona. To prepare this meal, a total of 395 kg of food was also recovered, the result of gleaning in fields and collecting surpluses in markets and the recovery of food in local shops in the area

The III Spigoladors Marathon, organized jointly with the Fundació Espigoladors, had the participation of 148 volunteers and 8,730 kg of fruit and vegetables were recovered.

The awareness campaign about food waste will be completed in Reus with the celebration of theDay VII Let's take advantage of Food.

The Aprofitem les alimentos campaign is part of the Department of Climate Action's strategy for the prevention of food loss and waste.

Font: DACC


🍽Restauració: Obligatorietat d’un pla de prevenció per evitar pèrdues d’aliments

La restauració i les empreses afins que hi treballen són el sector que ha d’estar més atent. S’ha promulgat la Llei contra el malbaratament alimentari, que, entre altres aspectes, obliga els restaurants a facilitar que la clientela es pugui endur amb un envàs el menjar que no s’acabi; insta les empreses alimentàries a incentivar la venda de productes amb caducitat pròxima; estableix que les restes no menjables s’aprofitin per a altres usos.

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Data de caducitat o de consum preferent?

La data de caducitat dels aliments és una qüestió de seguretat: els aliments es poden consumir fins a aquesta data, però no després.

La data de consum preferent es refereix a la qualitat, ja que l’aliment és segur per a consumir després de la data, però pot ser que perdi característiques organolèptiques pròpies com a sabor, textura, etc.

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