In the previous article we clarified how much food we use to make our meals at the restaurant. Now we need to know which ones to launch. And for this we will have to see, what we quantify as food that can be reused, those that cannot and those that, for example, we will donate to a social entity.
If you have different lines or items of work (especially in larger companies), we can make separate quantifications. For example, in a restaurant: kitchen and dining room; or in a catering: cold line, hot line, patisserie, catering line, etc.
How we distribute our rubbish':
1.-Which are the foods that must be ACCOUNTED as food waste:
- Products in poor condition, expired, etc.
- Unused products removed to the trash.
- Excess processed products, leftovers or leftovers, canceled orders... thrown in the trash.
- Unused parts of food (green parts of vegetables, cuts of meat or fish, less beautiful parts, etc.) thrown in the trash.
2.-It is not considered food waste:
- Unused products reused in recipes other than the original.
- Parts no comestibles dels aliments (pells, ossos, pinyols, espines, tiges…).
- Excess processed product.
- Leftovers and canceled orders reused for other orders.
3.- ACCOUNT SEPARATELY, donations, not food waste.
- Donation to social food distribution organization (unused products and excess processed product).
How we measure food waste products:
1.-The direct, most comfortable and common sense way: Weigh the organic matter removed from the trash on a scale.
2.- In the case of not being able to use the previous methods directly, estimates can be made. It's a little more complicated.
For instance:
If we have to count the number of filled trash cans, we will use a formula that will give us the approximate kilos.
bucket height (cm) × width (cm) × depth (cm) / 6000= kilos of litter.
📣El pla de malbaratament d’aliments no ha d’incloure el pes dels embalatges. Per tant, cal retirar de tots els productes envasats l’embalatge abans de quantificar-los o calcular-ne el pes i restar-lo del pes total, ja sigui de manera directa o aproximada.
👌En la majoria de productes que es compren envasats s’indica el PES NET en el mateix envàs
We will continue to decipher how a food waste prevention plan is made in the restaurant in future posts.