Zero Waste
Food Waste Prevention Plan for all catering companies that are not considered micro-enterprises
Anafric's Zero Waste Blog
Healthy eating at work. The lunch box: tips when preparing it
La forma d’alimentar-se en l’entorn laboral, on les treballadores i els treballadors passen més d’una tercera part del dia, és fonamental per gaudir d’una vida
🥩Recipes against waste: Roast cannelloni (1)
Making the most of the food we usually consume is the best way to reduce waste, which in Catalonia is estimated to be 34.9 kg of food per person per year.
Spain has, for the first time, a legal framework to prevent food waste
According to estimates by the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO), approximately 1.3 billion tons are wasted in the world annually, which represents 30% of the food produced.
“Als establiments de xarcuteria no es genera gaire malbaratament. Es pot reaprofitar en altres elaboracions”
Recentment des de Gremi Carn Xarcuters Carnissers Catalunya s’ha organitzat una formació destinada als professionals del sector carni. María Martínez, de Qualitat i Seguretat Alimentària,
🍽 What to consider before applying the waste plan in my restaurant establishment (2)
The food waste plan should not include the weight of the packaging. Therefore, it is necessary to remove the packaging from all packaged products before quantifying them or calculating their weight and subtracting it from the total weight, either directly or approximately.
🍽What to consider before applying the waste plan to my restaurant establishment (1)
Sustainability in a restaurant is, nowadays, the first thing we have to take into account. The zero-emissions law requires us to have a plan in place... but first we will have to analyze our restaurant and see how I will apply it, where and in what way.
Anafric actua
El sector carni té un paper fonamental a l’hora de reduir el malbaratament alimentari, un problema que afecta tota la cadena de valor. Segons es desprèn dels diferents panells de les institucions públiques, les empreses espanyoles de la indústria alimentària estan cada cop més conscienciades de l’impacte que suposa en termes econòmics, socials i mediambientals, el malbaratament d’aliments i la necessitat de frenar-lo.
Des d’Anafric, associació càrnia espanyola, volem fer evident a la societat el canvi que s’està experimentant i com s’està traduint aquest canvi en una indústria més sostenible.